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Unban NSS Countries

Dear RO2 SEA.

We, players from the Philippines, Indonesia and the rest of the so called NSSC, "non selected SEA countries" are very dissapointed. What was the stress test for? I get it lag test etc, but what was your secondary agenda to provide a stress test without IP block when you know before hand that you will not be able to handle all SEA countries? Look we aren't stupid, a contract or license agreement isn't made overnight prior to the stress test.

All we need from you is transparency, to provide the right information to the rightful players in a timely manner. So what if the Philippines, Indonesia etc cannot play in that server? You should've said so in the first place, a month ago or even at least 2 weeks notice (that's just the norm in a professional/work culture). Then we would probably understand and not get our hopes up and take a day off from work for OBT when in fact we could be earning money for ourselves! And I should say this because it is my personal opinion, you guys from
Asiasoft, don't realize that some or maybe most of your players have work to do, some are even doctors, nurses, lawyers, engineers, businessman people with profession and were not a bunch of kids that you can tell this the other day and this the next day. We cancelled meetings, took a day off, not take an extra shift at work, and close market transactions just to be present on Jan 3 at OBT.

Well, whatever your agenda is either for marketing, promotion or merely capitalization, that is your entire discretion, bad publicity is good publicity anyway after all.

-Credits Rachel Villa Carlos


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